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"The Rescue" dress rehearsal (Flash video)Rev. Richard Bragdon, who wrote the script and is directing the Easter musical at the Sunset Church, and Janice Lapointe McLaughlin describe the action during a dress rehearsal.
"The Rescue" will be presented April 6,7+8 at 7:00 pm nightly. Tickets available at the Information Booth in the church lobby after Sunday services and at the Church office Monday-Friday, from 9:00 am 12:00 pm; as well as the Lighthouse Family Bookstore, Douglas Irving and Mazucca's. A portion of the proceeds from tickets sales will be going to the Canadian Red Cross.
Thanks for the invitation, Shelly.     (1 votes)

Happy 100th...A Big Birthday Contest (Flash video)A few dozen photos - all from our galleries. Look in our forums to find out how to win all week long.
     (1 votes)

Memories of Hawaii - Ann PriceGift for granddaugher, Carolyn.     (1 votes)
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