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Razor Red (Flash video)A slice of heavy metal from a four-piece band that had the crowd at The Plex on their feet.     (3 votes)

The final verse of the final song of the final set (Flash video)The Downtown Blues Band's Christmas party and benefit for the Fredericton Food Bank and the Boy Scouts wrapped up with Dan Akroyd (half of the famous Blues Brothers act he shared with the late John Belushi) belting out a bit of Mustang Sally.
Live at the Musiplex     (3 votes)

The Lion Dance (Flash video)The lion's were ritually awakened by members of the five families who founded the New Brunswick Chinese Cultural Association 30 years ago...and then performed to the delight of a large audience at The Playhouse on Saturday.
This is the first of our photos and videos from the show.     (3 votes)

Chillin Room at Officers' Square (Flash video)Rocking out during the Freddy Beach party.     (3 votes)

Dwane Drost - Songwriter's Circle (video)Dwane Drost entertains the audience on Saturday at the Maritime Countryfest.     (3 votes)
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